Feedback plays a critical role when it comes to leading others. The most effective kind helps people grow. This kind of feedback can be directly linked to each person’s performance goals and development path and paves the way for ongoing performance and development-focused conversations.
Conversations such as these are powerful ways to connect how someone is doing or what they may be struggling with, to their goals. They also guide action planning, with a clear focus on what a team member may need to do more (or less) of, as they continue to grow and evolve.
But what kind of feedback really matters when it comes to supporting the growth and development of others? And what does it look like in practical terms?
Start here, and take note of what happens each time your feedback looks and sounds like this:
1. Purposeful
Consider your purpose in providing feedback, and tailor your approach accordingly.
Do you want to recognize effort, celebrate an accomplishment, address challenges or encourage and support a team member who may be struggling? Is this a brief acknowledgement, or a time for a more substantial conversation that invites each person’s reflection and discovery as they consider how they’re doing?
Think clearly about your purpose and act accordingly.
2. Time-Sensitive
When it comes to feedback, timing really matters. Focus on giving feedback in the moment and doing it on an ongoing basis rather than saving it up for a later date or an annual performance conversation.
When you pay attention to what others are doing and ‘catch them in the act,’ you’ll be able to acknowledge them, and their work, in the moment – when it really counts.
3. Relevant
Feedback is most meaningful when it’s personal and specific. Which means you’ve taken the time to get to know your people, what they’re working on and what matters to them.
For example, when you say to a team member: ‘You did a great job summarizing the key issues and offering a fresh perspective on solutions, ’ you’ll be acknowledging their unique contribution and the difference they made, rather than offering a simple ‘great job.’
Personal and relevant feedback goes a long way toward supporting each person’s unique growth and development process. It also allows you to make a direct link to their performance and development goals.
4. Actionable
Truly relevant feedback is actionable! It’s specific enough for people to know what they did particularly well (or didn’t). It also provides clarity about how they might focus their energy and efforts to continue evolving.
For example, when a team member is working on improving their project planning skills, and they finish an important project, take a little time to share what you noticed them doing well, as well as the areas that will benefit from further work.
Test your approach with this question: Will you be giving your people feedback they can use? Whether your purpose is to encourage, recognize or provide constructive feedback to support continued development and enhanced performance, make it specific and relevant to each person and notice the difference this kind of feedback makes.
When it comes to leading and developing others, focusing on the work to be done is only part of the equation. Equally critical is the work of empowering and inspiring others to succeed and grow.
When you incorporate feedback – the right kind of feedback – in all that you do, you’ll be leading the way. Focus your feedback on their continued growth and development and watch them thrive.